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A Summary of Days

Day 2:
Report: 834832383234->Now

Day 3:
Report: 88373734738383484383484->Now

The good part is that I have a full night’s sleep every other night to give me a chance to dream. The bad news is that I probably will have worse recall than I already have been having for at least a week.

88 is a full night’s sleep, by the way. One number is considered to be one state of alertness, regardless of the amount of time it was experienced. Each number is a transition to a new state. BTW, #4 when just waking up feels like being hit by a truck, but it gets better after a few minutes.

Day 4:
Report: 383?483473834->Now

So, my next lesson learned from another failed polyphasing attempt is that boredom is a powerful enemy.  It definitely requires a respectful nod and future consideration.  Towards my next attempt, I give you the below.

I have decided to try polyphasing again. I am trying a much more lenient schedule this time to experiment with how it affects my wakefulness during work. I will be keeping track of my wakefulness each day using the below scale, which is a minor modification of iPolyphase’s scale presented in the SPAMAYL thread on trypolyphasic forums.

lvl – name – description
1 – Alert – A state of enhanced alertness comparable to that experienced when ‘in the zone’ working on something.
2 – Baseline – Standard level of alertness experienced by a monophasic sleeper not experiencing any symptoms of sleep deprivation, neither hyper-alert nor tired.
3 – Zinged – Feel tired but no performance hit is obvious.
4 – Slowed – Feel tired and some loss of performance (e.g. you find yourself zoning out or counting down the hours until your next sleep, and you find it noticeably harder to perform cognitive tasks). Complex thought patterns may be more difficult and may get muddled, occasionally requiring restarting the thought process. Approx 20%-40% subjective reduction in cognitive abilities.
5 – Primitive – A state of exhaustion where continued wakefulness is based primarily on willpower. Cognitive function is severely reduced, and complex thought patterns collapse. Approx 40%-65% subjective reduction in cognitive abilities.
6 – Zombie – A state of exhaustion where continued wakefulness is based completely on willpower. Cognitive function is severely reduced, and even basic thought patterns collapse. Approx 65%+ subjective reduction in cognitive abilities.
7 – Light Sleep – A (subjectively) light sleep.
8 – Sleep – Baseline sleep that would be neither considered to be light nor heavy.
9 – Heavy Sleep – A subjectively heavy sleep.
! – Body Forced Sleep – Signifier for a period of sleep that was not consciously initiated (i.e. your body decided it was going to sleep and you had no choice).

My current plan is to test out the waters in relation to my work environment by doing the so called Freeman schedule, which is basically a 48 hour schedule initiated by a 6-8 hour sleep followed by naps as you need them. If that works out, I will look into going into the SPAMAYL schedule, which is basically just free running polyphasic sleep. The rules for the latter are sleep when you are tired and sleep in 20 minute naps followed by at least 40 minutes of wakefulness (which keeps it from just being one big sleep). Freeman follows the same rules, but adds the full night of sleep every other night, making it like a free running 48 hour version of the Everyman 3.

The Freeman schedule currently has no known adherents with two known attempts that went subjectively well, one of whom shifted to the SPAMAYL schedule (which he is presumably still on) and the other of whom (the originator) shifted back to monophasic sleep due to fears about beheadings at his office and people reading his occasional napping wrong. The SPAMAYL schedule has an estimated four dedicated followers and no shortage of people trying to start it. There have been no negative reports from either, even from the people who flunked out of them.

Coming from attempts at Uberman and Tesla, I have a bit of experience at flunking a polyphasic attempt and know what to do and what to avoid. That combined with the fact that these schedules work with rather than against your body gives me much hope for these. I am starting tonight, and I will be talking to my boss Monday to make sure he is aware that I will be taking naps at lunch and am not merely falling asleep. I am positive that he will be cool with it, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

Quality of Consciousness: 83233737474738483->Now
Translated: I woke up from a standard night’s sleep for the weekend, up with my body and refreshed, feeling a bit tired as I woke up for the day. I carried out my afternoon hours at full alertness, and towards the evening I started to return to the slightly tired state again. I took my first nap (thought I didn’t fall asleep) and got up at the same level of alertness. I took my second nap, and got up feeling like a truck ran into me, but quickly recovered to what I would feel like on a night with ~6 hours sleep. I took my third nap, and got up at the same level of alertness. To the best of my knowledge, I didn’t actually sleep through any of these naps, which is normal for the first day. I took my fourth nap of the day, and woke up tired at first, but I improved back to a level 3 alertness shortly. Had my first normal sleep nap and woke up feeling groggy, on the low side of four, including counting down the time to my next sleep. Had my second normal nap and woke up feeling slightly groggy, but it cleared up and left me feeling only slightly tired again.

^I will update the above as new data arrives until the end of the morning phase (24 hour period beginning with a full night’s sleep), at which point I will start a new one. My approx beginning of phase will be 0700.

New Plan… Again

Okay, so after testing out the cycle I mentioned before, biphasic, and everyman 3, I’ve decided that I just don’t have an alarm clock powerful enough to wake me up from a nap longer than 20 minutes. That being said, I’m going to try for the Uberman Sleep Schedule. I’m on my second day of doing it, and hopefully the decrease in time between naps will allow me to make it without dying when I don’t get the nap exactly on time for whatever reason. If this works out, I may try to push the naps out a bit so that I can get more time without them, but for now I’ll stick to the schedule exactly as is.

Now, I’m aware that the day may come when work demands I switch my sleep schedule to please them, and I’m hoping that my starting off on Uberman it will be easier to switch to Everyman or even Dymaxion in order to be compatable with whatever schedule is demanded of me. I don’t know about that for sure, though. In any case, good luck to me in my renewed efforts to go poly.

New Plan

Okay, due to some episodes of blacking out (that were entirely caused by my repeated lack of ability to follow the scheduled naps) I have decided to alter the schedule I’ll be following.  I have been having problems with oversleeping on this new one, but that’s because I haven’t learned to cooperate with my alarm clock, I guess.

4:30-6:00AM – 1.5 Hours Sleep

12:00-12:20 – 20 Min Nap

6:00-7:30PM – 1.5 Hour Sleep

12:00-12:20 – 20 Min Nap

This seems like it will be a good shift in the sleep schedule.  By combining it with everyman I gain flexibility, and by splitting it up into 2×1.5 sleeps instead of one 3 hour slumber I balance the day and keep things interesting.  We’ll see how it works out, though.

Wierd New Development

Today was an odd day. Let me lay out what happened.

5AM Nap: Wake up, feels like my brain is floating in liquid stupid. I can’t think of things I know I should be able to think of, and I feel very confused. (Two people I’ve spoken too say this happens to them as well and is normal, though.)

11AM Nap: I wake up, feel a bit odd (just a bit out of it mentally and physically). I get up and do some things I don’t really remember anymore, then walk down the stairs for my apartment and across back up to my father’s. I have to stop and back down a step once to catch myself since my leg is tingling and causes me to be thrown off balance. Take a shower, but it does nothing for it.

5PM Nap: Miss, then fall asleep from ~6:15-7:30. No odd symptoms.

11PM Nap: Same symptoms as 11AM. As of 1:20AM it is nothing more than a dizzy feeling.

Now, the bit with the 5PM nap leads me to believe that this may or may not have something to do with the brain adjusting sleep cycles to fit shorter naps, since a nap I took that was about the length of one cycle didn’t have any odd effects on me. This is just me thinking out loud, though. I’ll keep an eye on this and report back later.

Dream: Dragons and Rape

Soon after I fell asleep I was in a salon, and there was someone I couldn’t see talking to a dragon. He said while the [group a] couldn’t produce the dragons without having consensual sex with the [group b; serpent spirits], the dragons themselves could rape the group b and produce the offspring by themselves, whether or not the other participant was willing. In addition, the dragons could manipulate the genetics of their children by reproducing using this method.

Both my 11am and my 5pm naps were thrown forward by about 20 minutes today, due to first a conversation I had that ran long and then the ending of Avatar lasting longer than I expected it to.  I still got the recommended amount of sleep, and I don’t expect it to be any major setback.  I’ll keep my eyes peeled to see how I feel after my next two naps, though.  I’m hoping that they will bring me back to feeling normal.  I feel a bit dizzy right now, but I don’t expect any other real problems.  I think this is more of the ‘worse’ part of what is supposed to come during the adaptation period.

For some good news, I had at least one dream today, and I don’t remember if my 5pm nap held a dream or not.  I’ll make a post following this one with the dream.

First Unintentional Oversleep

Today, during my 11am nap, I had my first unintentional oversleep.  I took a double nap yesterday, I don’t really remember why, but I logged it in case you want to read.  Today, however, I must’ve taken my headphones off before I was fully awake and then fallen back asleep again.  I ended up oversleeping by 40 minutes, for a total of a 1 hour nap.  When I got up I felt like a mental bus had hit me.  I felt like I had overslept days, even though by most standards I took a short nap.  I don’t remember any dreams, but at this point I don’t remember much about it, as I wasn’t very aware at the time.

In any case, after the feeling of oversleeping wore off, I was exhausted again.  I took a shower and then settled down to watch a movie, Pandorum.  It’s about an hour away from my nap, and I’m currently awake enough that I don’t think that I’ll have to worry about the type of dead tiredness that I felt yesterday.  I’m not sure how much of that does or doesn’t have to do with the movie (ever notice how after a good movie you are a bit more energetic?) or the oversleeping, but I should be able to get to sleep for my nap nonetheless.

I’m going to try a few things to avoid oversleeping again.  The first thing is that I’m not going to turn off all the lights and crawl under the covers.  I’m afraid that is setting myself up for failure.  Also, I may prop myself up so I’m not lying flat on my back.  I’m not sure this will necessarily help, but it may provide a bit more focus mentally on ‘nap’ instead of ‘sleep’.  In any case, I think that it is the 11am nap I’ve got the most to worry about, as I’ve missed it for both days I’ve been doing this, for various reasons not really inside of my control.  Once I get that back under control, all of my naps should be on schedule and it will just be up to my body to adjust.  I hear days 3 and 4 are the toughest, at least from a book I’ve been reading written by puredoxyk (I think that’s where I read it from).  I’m not sure how hard they’ll actually be, but I am ready for them.

Feel the Burn; First Dream?

I just thought I would say that I ended up taking a double nap for my 5pm nap due to the fact I was feeling like crap warmed over.  I had to take a mini-nap (turning on a light and music high enough that I knew I wouldn’t fall fully asleep, but pretending to sleep so my body would be resting, so I guess you could call it half-sleep?) just to get to that nap.  Given, the pseudo-nap was only about ten minutes long, including a phone call that interrupted it, but still.  I almost was ready to give up, but after my 5pm nap I ended up bouncing back a bit, partially due to having some people drop by the Mortal Mist chat room so that I had someone to talk to.  For the record, I’m not giving up yet.

Now, when I got home I took my 11pm nap, and right off I had very vivid hypnagogic imagery.  I even had one so vivid that I saw a house and was actually walking around in it.  Now, I was still bound to my body, mind you, so I know it wasn’t a dream.  When I woke up, I remembered some images, but I couldn’t remember if they were from a dream I had or from something I had been thinking about earlier.   Either way, I’m sure I’ll be having more dreams soon.  Maybe I’ll even score a lucid during the experiment.  At the very least it should give me more opportunities to try lucid techniques.

Okay, this post will cover two things.  The first of which is that there is a nasty little rumor floating around that the first few days won’t be that bad (but then later on you feel like shit).  I don’t know how much later on and how much worse it is supposed to get, but I’m feeling pretty much like grade C crap right now, and I’m not sure how much worse it could get without me having some serious sleep deprivation related problems.  As it is I’m already having to fight that voice that says lay down (and take an extra nap) with everything in me.  I’ll keep you posted, but from this vantage point it doesn’t look like that’s true for me.  That may be due to the fact I didn’t really rest up for the transition, but who knows.  On to more important things.

A quick bit of pre-trial  advice.  The obvious first step is to make your schedule, right?  Well, the next step is to test it out before you try it.  You’ll be in a lot better of a mood before you start an experiment that will leave you sleep deprived for upwards of (if I understand correctly) a week on end.  For example, my nap schedule is 5-11-5-11.  Run off at each of these times for thirty minutes (twenty for nap + 5 on either end for preparation) and see if anyone misses you.  Do it for a week or so if you’ve got the patience, and see how things work out with you taking those times.  One thing I didn’t foresee was church (whenever my aunt remembers to take me) ruining my 11am nap one day out of the week.  Now, I’m still keeping this schedule, but that missed nap pretty much ruins Sunday for me.  Now today too I missed my 11am nap because my father decided to drag me across town to go grocery shopping (which couldn’t wait, apparently).  Anyway, this is just a bit of warning to let you test how well your schedule will work.

Now, I’m on Tesla sleep schedule, but this is good advice for Uberman or Everyman as well.  Uberman is especially difficult to pull off due to the number of naps it makes you take, so do your research before you start another project you’re going to abandon.